Dietitian services

Our role is to hold space for you to explore concerns related to food, body, digestion and health in a way that feels helpful for you. We’re not here to judge your eating habits or prescribe a restrictive diet. Instead, we’re here to help you improve your relationship with food, tune into your body’s needs, and eat in a way that aligns with your personal values.
You don’t need to have a diagnosed eating disorder to seek support — this care is available to anyone looking to enhance their relationship with food and feel more confident in their approach to food and nutrition.
We offer support for
We provide nutrition care that is weight-inclusive, trauma-informed, neurodiversity-affirming, and HAES®-aligned.
Eating Disorders &
Disordered Eating
- Eating disorders
- Disordered eating
- Body image concerns
- Binge eating
- Food anxiety
- Negative relationships with food
- "Emotional" eating
- Sensory challenges with food
‍- Eating disorders & neurodivergence
Digestive Concerns
& Gut Health
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Managing IBS without elimination diets
- Improving gut health
- Navigating the Low FODMAP Diet
‍- Eating disorders & digestive issues
- Constipation
- Diarrhoea
- Abdominal bloating & pain
Reproductive Health
& More
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
- Eating disorders & PCOS
- Hypothalamic amenorrhoea
- Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
- Neurodiversity-affirming care for neurodivergent individuals
- Nutrition care in the context of mental health complexities

Session fees & rebates

Session fees
Initial appointment
$200 (up to 60 mins)
Follow-up appointment
$200 (up to 60 mins)
Medicare rebates
In order to claim a rebate under Medicare, you must be referred to our services under an Eating Disorder Plan (EDP) or Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDMP). Please share a copy of your referral prior to your appointment.
Eating Disorder Plan (EDP)
Your GP or Psychiatrist may assess your eligibility for an EDP. If you have been referred to our services under an EDP, you will be eligible to claim a Medicare rebate of $60.35 per session for up to 20 individual sessions in a 12 month period from when the plan was created. 
Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDMP)
Your GP may assess your eligibility for a CDMP. If you have been referred to our services under a CDMP, you will be eligible to claim a Medicare rebate of $60.35 per session for up to 5 individual sessions in a calendar year. 
Private health rebates
You may be eligible for rebates through your private health fund, depending on your level of cover. Following sessions, you will be sent an invoice to assist in making this claim. 
Please note, we are not an NDIS registered provider, however we do support NDIS clients who are either self-managed or plan-managed. When completing an appointment enquiry form, please kindly indicate if you are an NDIS client.
Cancellation policy
When you book an appointment with us, we will reserve a time in our schedule exclusively for you. Please provide 24 hours of notice if you wish to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
Full session fees apply if cancellations or reschedules are made within 24 hours of your appointment, or if you do not attend the appointment. You can cancel or reschedule an appointment by emailing us at
We help our clients
Break the restrict/binge cycle
Nourish in a satisfying, peaceful way
Heal their relationship with food
Feel more at ease in their bodies
Relieve digestive discomfort
Say farewell to the burden of food guilt
Appointment enquiry form
You can enquire about an appointment with Katie by completing the appointment enquiry form below.
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Katie will be in touch shortly.
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Session Fees and Rebates
Initial Appointment
$190 (60 mins)
Online consultation via Telehealth (video or phone)
Follow-Up Appointment
$190 (60 mins)
Online consultation via Telehealth (video or phone)
Medicare Rebates
In order to claim a rebate under Medicare, you must be referred to our services under an Eating Disorder Plan (EDP) or Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDMP). Please share a copy of your referral prior to your appointment.
Eating Disorder Plan (EDP)
Your GP or Psychiatrist may assess your eligibility for an EDP. If you have been referred to our services under an EDP, you will be eligible to claim a Medicare rebate of $56 per session for up to 20 individual sessions in a 12 month period from when the plan was created. 
Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDMP)
Your GP may assess your eligibility for a CDMP. If you have been referred to our services under a CDMP, you will be eligibile to claim a Medicare rebate of $56 per session for up to 5 individual sessions in a calendar year. 
Obtaining Medicare Rebates
Following sessions, you will be sent an invoice to assist in making your Medicare claim. 
Health Insurance Rebates
You may be eligible for rebates through your private health fund, depending on your level of cover. Following sessions, you will be sent an invoice to assist in making this claim. 
Referrals from a GP, Medical Specialist or Allied Health Practitioner are welcome, though are not required to access our services.
Discover the beauty and simplicity of food freedom