About Katie Maneschi
Director & Accredited Practising Dietitian
Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinician
About Katie
Katie is passionate about helping clients heal their relationship with food and their bodies. She provides nutrition care from a weight-inclusive, trauma-informed, and neurodiversity-affirming lens, aligned with the principles of Health at Every Size®.
At the heart of Katie’s practice is a belief in the wisdom and autonomy of her clients when it comes to their own bodies. She welcomes the opportunity to hold space for clients to navigate concerns surrounding food, body image, and health. Above all, Katie’s hope is for her clients to feel safe, seen and empowered when exploring their relationship with food and body.
Bachelor of Science (Advanced), University of Sydney
Master of Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Sydney
Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD)
Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinician (CEDC)
Special interests
Eating disorders & disordered eating
Negative relationships with food
Body image concerns
Digestive concerns & IBS
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Intersecting eating disorders & neurodivergence
Postgraduate training
Nutrition Counselling for Eating Disorders
Non-Diet Approach for Dietitians
The RAVES Eating Model
Body Image Counselling
Motivational Interviewing
Monash Low FODMAP Diet for IBS
Digestive Concerns and Eating Disorders
Accreditations & professional memberships
Accredited Practising
Dietitians Australia
Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinician
Australia & New Zealand
Academy for Eating Disorders
Registered Member
Association for Size
Diversity and Health
Member of the Health
Professionals Database
The Butterfly Foundation
Verified Provider
Health At Every Size®
Trained Dietitian
The Monash Low
FODMAP Diet for IBS 

Katie's approach to nutrition care

Katie provides care that is weight-inclusive, trauma-informed, neurodiversity-affirming, and HAES®-aligned.

All foods are welcome

Katie embraces a gentle, non-dieting approach to nutrition care, helping you reframe the way you think about food. Central to her approach is the belief that foods are not inherently 'good' or 'bad'. Instead, she advocates for a flexible and curious approach to food and nutrition. Katie hopes to guide you beyond restrictive food rules and feelings of guilt, encouraging you to tune into your body's needs and eat in a way that aligns with your personal values and lifestyle.

All bodies are welcome

Katie takes a body and weight-inclusive approach to nutrition therapy, guided by the principles of Health At Every Size® (HAES®). Regardless of your body shape or size, Katie is here to work with you on the health outcomes and/or nutrition goals that are most meaningful to you, free from a focus on weight. her hope is to foster an inclusive environment where you can disentangle weight from both health and self-worth, and build confidence in your approach to nutrition.

All care is collaborative

You know your body better than anyone. Katie is here to collaborate with you, providing space for you to explore what nutrition means to you, and learn what feels best for your body. She doesn't view your eating habits as something that needs fixing, and she's certainly not here to pass judgment on your diet or impose rules on how you should eat. Katie hopes to help you break food rules, rather than create more.